Director - Wong Kar Wai
Genre - Action/Drama
Wong Kar Wai has a real gift of getting the best performances out of his actors and the cast in this film is no different. Special mention has to be given to Maggie Cheung who turned in an incredible, heart wrenching performance. Tony Leung's cool portrayal of a tragic swordsman is awesome too. Wong had certainly turned the whole genre of sword fighting movies on its head and given us his own unique version. Cinematography and soundtrack is as always impeccable.
All about Ashes Of Time
my fave wong kar wai is "days of being wild" (ah fei jeng juin) - one of my all-time-best movies.
Also, thanks for swinging by "The Film Script" and throwing in your thoughts. J.S.A. is one I'll have to get around to seeing at some point... but I just finished up Oldboy and I think Lady Vengeance has to be next.