Director - David Cronenberg
Genre - Crime/Drama/Mystery/Thriller
Overhyped movie about the Russian mafia directed by David Cronenberg who did exceptionally better with 'A History of Violence', also acted by Viggo Mortensen. The movie is let down by a soap opera-ish script that is overly melodramatic despite its violent scenes. The whole movie feels disappointingly like a tv-pilot for a mini series. Mortensen's Russian accent is terrific but it's not enough to save this movie.
All about Eastern Promises
Good concise review.
Although, I part with you on the liking *A History of Violence*. I disliked that one even more. Maybe I've cooled on Cronenberg... I don't know.
The movie had the best fight scene, maybe in movie history.
The acting was excellent. Viggo and Watts soared.
Leeny - Top 10 of 2007? We knew this review would cause many people to be a little outraged. The movie has generated quite a bit of acclaim and we are well aware of that. However, the melodrama is exactly what killed it for us :)
Fox - You have to watch 'History' again. It was definitely a more complex film than 'Eastern'.
Renegade Eye - The fight scene was good but one good scene does not make a good movie. All the other parts were so sappy. Honestly, we were expecting commercial breaks to come on. The overall style was just to 'tv-series'.
There's a very mean vibe in 'History', 'No Country' and 'Blood'. All these films even though they have elements of melodrama, but it didn't feel awkward. In 'Eastern', the script had very brutal scenes and then parts where it just felt uncomfortably like it didn't gel.
To call 'History' bland in comparison to 'Eastern' is an outrage. 'History's script was much better written and original. 'Eastern's script was merely a Hallmark tv movie with graphic sex and violence.
He was just a two-bit gangster in 'Eastern'. An errand boy for Vincent Cassel for most of the movie.
Can't we all just get along and put this matter to rest? :)