Director - Paul Thomas Anderson
Genre - Drama
Paul Thomas Anderson's movies are hard to pin down stylistically and thematically. 'Boogie Nights', 'Magnolia' and 'Punch-Drunk Love' look as different as night and day. This latest film by him is just as erratic. The story is told simply but Daniel Day-Lewis's performance and the soundtrack is anything but. Day-Lewis is an acting god in human form. His role as an oil driller driven to expand his influence by any means possible is chilling. The music scored by Jonny Greenwood of Radiohead also deserves special mention for evoking the brutal drama which unfolds.
All about There Will Be Blood
Joseph - The recurring theme of human relationships you mentioned is indeed quite true of Anderson's films. What we feel though is that this theme is not immediately made known, unlike say Scorsese's films. And anyway, the theme of human relationships can be said for most films. It is not exclusive only to Anderson's works. So this assumption would be quite vague.
Also I'm totally on board with this review. I loved this film... probably my favorite PTA due in large part to DDL, he's phenomenal in this role. Some might say it was over the top and grandiose but I don't necessarily feel that's a bad thing... it was handled well and didn't manage to veer into the comical for me.
What this film says about the American spirit and its relation to avarice is... ah! No words.
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One man's meat is another's poison, eh? Perhaps bizarre is not your thing but we love to just coat ourselves all over with it.
My own review goes into some more detail about There Will Be Blood, though it's such a complex film that I'm still really only scratching the surface there.
As you said, his films are complex. Why bother nailing it down? Just enjoy them as they are.