Director - Hiroshi Teshigahara
Genre - Drama
We fell deeply in love with this film. If possible, we'd like to make love to it. Horribly disfigured by an industrial mishap, our hero grows vehemently bitter. When a questionable doctor offers to create a special mask for him, he is skeptical but accepts. Light years ahead of its time, this masterpiece by Hiroshi Teshigahara relentlessly pursues the issue of identity through the psychological labyrinth of the protagonist's mind. Cinematography is artistically superior and singular. This is the best movie we've ever watched in our entire lives.
All about The Face of Another (Tanin no Kao)
You guys crack me up! It's most excellent to drop by for a quick movie tip and get a good laugh at the same time.
The day we watched the film it dawned on us that it could very well have been made in this very year, with the fashion being the only indication of the period in which it was made. Its wonderful script resonate with profound relevance and compared with many of the movies today, it is indeed a work of staggering artistry. This is why we stated that it was the best film we've ever watched in our entire lives.
In the events of our untimely deaths, our crusade to advertise this film will be passed to you and others who have read the review. Every movie lover should watch this now! (We'd like to say also that if Criterion would like to pay us for helping them market the movie, we wouldn't mind in the least bit.)
Of all the films in our 'Who's Your Daddy?' category, this one really epitomizes what it means in our ratings system. Hell, it should even come with the head of Darth Vader and the sentence 'Who's Your Daddy?' should be in a speech bubble coming out of Vader's mouth! That's how good the film is. Now run and get it today! (Again, are you reading this, Criterion?)
In any event I have the film ordered up and am looking forward to it. Getting Woman in the Dunes as well.
Sitenoise - Darth Vader's head signifies an iconic symbol of utmost coolness and we'd prefer if Vader utters the sentence. The movie itself (Face of Another) would be represented by the black helmet.
By the way...we're not really well-versed with Transformers lore but are you a Decepticon?
Well ... you're more really well-versed than I, who have no idea if that's a wise crack or an innocent inquiry.