Director - Sam Mendes
Genre - Biography/Drama/War
A stark and cynically-tinged war movie directed by Sam Mendes. Peppered throughout with moments of tar-black humor, it serves as a critically condemning statement on the war in Iraq. Going into Saddam Hussein's country, a group of foot soldiers are eager to do battle and make their country proud. Instead, contemporary warfare renders them almost obsolete and they begin to lose hope fast. Aided with immeasurable competence by cinematographer Roger Deakins, this stunning picture is incredulously underrated and overlooked.
4.5 STARS!
All about Jarhead
I have a querry, is this blog maintained by one guy or a team? Asking cos in your reviews as well as comments, i've noticed that you always use "we" in place of "I".
On the issue of whether we're one or more than one? We're not telling. It serves our purpose to a larger extent if we remain anonymous and uncategorized in every way. :)
We totally agree that it was unfairly dismissed. There are however three reasons which we believe caused its downfall.
1) Jake Gyllenhaal. Come on...has he got a hit to his name yet? 'Donnie Darko' was a cult hit. Not a financial or award-winning hit.
2) The 'B-Movie' title. Sounds like the elder brother of 'Eraserhead'.
3) War movies are always a risk. And this is a war movie almost stripped of any action scenes.
When in fact its a strangely poetic and unique little story of the inbetween moments in War, the "off-beat" instances.
So it did good early business but then word-of-mouth (i.e. "Its not a gung ho action fest") dissuaded people from seeing it. A shame.