Director - Tim Burton
Genre - Crime/Drama/Musical/Thriller
A musical starring Johnny Depp? Our fears of this being a colossal mistake proved unfounded as this Tim Burton vehicle actually worked amazingly. And Johnny Depp can sing! Who would have known? This isn't the sort of musical you can bring your whole family to though. Your kids would probably have infinite nightmares. It's a musical bathed in blood and filled with visually dark, gothic scenes. The kind Burton revels in devilish abandon. Watch out for Sacha Baron Cohen who is without doubt the 'New Peter Sellers'.
All about Sweeney Todd
There are many different kinds of singing and being 'virtuoso' is not the only one. Kurt Cobain wasn't exactly what you'd call the greatest singer of all time and yet he reached an ocean of admiring listeners with his inimitable style of singing.
Depp didn't sing off-key, did he? And on that note (no pun intended), we'd like to reiterate that he definitely CAN sing.