Genre - Crime/Drama/Mystery/Thriller
This exceptional series broke through the barricades of uninspired television like a blooming daffodil in the middle of a barren desert. Both a predatory creature and probably the most palpable superhero ever conceived, Dexter Morgan may be a serial murderer, but his kills are always validated by a need to rid the world of evil wrongdoers. Still, we're only just scraping the surface of what he truly is, as 'Dexter' may very well be the most complex character ever created for the small screen. Its writers have really done the medium proud, setting the bar so high it seems impossible to ever match.
All about Dexter
I also wonder who can I email to ask something about this project. ^^ You can just contact me through my URL (sorry protecting against spam).
Rob - Hope you'll get to watch it!
Amy - Oh really? Thanks for pointing that out. :)