There has been much wailing and gnashing of teeth over the prospect of Will Smith and Steven Spielberg teaming up to make an American version of Oldboy but Smith has offered up some reasons to hope for the project. How so? According to an interview here the American Oldboy will not be a remake of the Park Chan-Wook film but will instead be a fresh interpretation of the original Japanese manga - source material that Park himself strayed significantly from. So, not a remake but a different version from the same source.
So ... this leave the Gore Verbinski produced remake of The Host as the next logical target for anti-remake-angst ...
Source from Twitch
So ... this leave the Gore Verbinski produced remake of The Host as the next logical target for anti-remake-angst ...
Source from Twitch
Americans (of which I'm one) ruin what are otherwise excellent films.
I hope this doesn't really happen...