Director - Michel Gondry
Genre - Comedy
If this film put to light one thing, it is that Michel Gondry can't do funny. His penchant for the lighter, more carefree side of life as if seen through the eyes of an eternally childlike purveyor of fun and games look practically silly here. Jack Black's overzealous enthusiasm feels annoyingly like unwanted pool water in your ears after a swim and the script by Gondry is trite and slovenly. Most damning of all, the thrift store remakes of pictures like 'Ghostbusters' and 'Robocob' aren't even as hilarious as some people (presumably the same ones who found 'Hot Fuzz' humorous) make them out to be.
1.5 STARS!
All about Be Kind Rewind
but anyhow- as 'eternal sunshine of a spotless mind' as well as 'the science of sleep' are definately more than worth-seeing- two certainly not to miss ;)