Director - John Carney
Genre - Drama/Music/Romance
Music has been one of the major driving forces in movies since way in the early stages of filmmaking. Chaplin relied much on music to break the silence and to convey hope, dreams and even the indomitable human spirit. Never in our not so young lives have we seen a love story embody a passion for music so strongly as in this small but effecting film. There is just so much fondness for what musicians live and breathe for (in this case - a portfolio of out-of-this-world songs) in the face of disparaging unacknowledgements that it actually uplifts the very core of what makes us go on with our existence.
4.5 STARS!
All about Once
awesome soundtrack ^^
and thanks for the link~~
you should really find some time to watch and quick-review more films
Well, the soundtrack review is on its way soon...