Director - Duncan Jones
Genre - Drama/Mystery/Sci-Fi
In theater, a one-man performance can be a very entertaining, intimate experience despite the lack of a supporting cast. It is our conviction however that in cinema, having only one single actor for its entire duration just doesn't work. Sam Rockwell performed valiantly here as did the director taking on such a perilous task but the whole movie just came up short. We have no doubt Duncan Jones (David Bowie's son!) the director will go on to helm better films in future based on the work he did here but Rockwell for us is still a welterweight. He can act but he doesn't have the commanding screen presence desperately needed in such a risky undertaking. Maybe they should take the script and adapt it for a stage play.
2.5 STARS!
All about Moon
I disagree with the comments on Rockwell, because I haven't seen him in a role where he failed to impress. "Welterweight"? I think he's one of the most underated actors around.
Really, we don't care if the film looks good. This isn't a photography competition. As for Rockwell, we believe the description of him as welterweight is as apt as can be. Are you saying he's heavyweight? For us, actors like Brando, Jeremy Irons, Day Lewis - those are heavyweights. We never said Rockwell is a bad actor, but the fact is, he hasn't yet nailed a part that nobody else could play. If and when Rockwell really steps up his game and nails a role so well that we'll have no choice but to eat our words, then he's a heavyweight.
Philip Seymour Hoffman was among the underated too before he did 'Capote'. It instantly established him as a heavyweight. Rockwell needs to find his 'Capote'.