Director - Woody Allen
Genre - Comedy/Romance
Larry David plays Boris, a self-proclaimed genius who hates the living daylight out of everything. Socially inept and neurotic like most of Woody Allen's characters, Boris takes in a vagrant played by Evan Rachel Wood and faces a life-changing prospect when Wood's character promptly falls for him. Wood is maddeningly adorable here as the dim-witted foil to David's brainy, sarcastic role. Their exchanges back and forth are funny mostly because Wood is so irresistibly naive in her part. Too bad then for that is the only plus in this. The coming together of David and Allen should have been a winning combination. Instead, the film is quite forgettable if measured by Allen's usual standards.
2.5 STARS!
All about Whatever Works
2.5 STARS!
All about Whatever Works
Movie Reviews
Anyway, thanks for the review. I just stumbled over here from http://detailedcriticisms.blogspot.com/ and wanted to chime in. I like your point about Wood and might consider this for that reason, and given Woody Allen here doesn't hurt either - but as you go on to describe, it's all down hill from there.
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