Director - David Fincher
Genre - Biography/Drama
For those of you who want an accurate profiling of Mark Zuckerberg and how he really founded Facebook, wait for a documentary why don't you? We're fed up with people saying they won't watch this because it's probably an over-dramatization of Zuckerberg's life. Duh...it's a movie ain't it? We didn't hear these overnight historians complain when pictures like 'Troy' or 'Alexander' came out. Zuckerberg is painted here with layers of unflattering human flaws and it is through his interactions with friends and colleagues that we see what a conniving, mean prick he is. Whether the backstabbing, manipulative jerk portrayed here justifies the real person we have no idea. What we know is that David Fincher had made a cool film, equipped with a soundtrack which fits like a glove and this Jesse Eisenberg (the lead)?... We didn't know of him before this, but we sure do now. ADD this if you know what's good for you.
4.5 STARS!
All about The Social Network
Thank you for the compliment buddy. Coming from you it really means alot as you've been a reviewer we look up to always.
Sure they did. :) Bread and butter for the history channel.
Joseph - When we talked about 'Alexander' and 'Troy' it was in reference to friends of ours. We've always written from personal experience. We can see how this would be misinterpreted as ignorance about the history channel though. Well, you learn something new everyday, huh? Hopefully with a little help from those of you out there who are more discerning we will improve over time.
Thank you for your views and participation. Hope you still like our slightly unpolished but honest writing style enough to drop by again. :)