Director - Nicolas Roeg
Genre - Sci-Fi/Drama
This has all the hallmarks of a bad movie. An irreverent script and wooden acting by its cast especially one by the name of David Bowie (screen debut) should have hurt this film to its core. Remarkably, it still presents an interesting watch because of good editing, unique cinematography and lastly, Bowie despite his inability to act. Playing an alien who assumes the role of a big conglomerate titan, he is visually suitable mainly because of his own physical oddity. Making out of this world music, gaunt and gazelle-like with his left eye a different color from his right one, Bowie in real life is already like an alien. The ultimate clincher for us though is the off the cuff cinematography, turning this 'should be bad film' into a work of unrestrained artistic release outside the usual realm of what counts as a good picture.
3.5 STARS!
All about The Man Who Fell To Earth
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