Director - Reiner Werner Fassbinder
Genre - Comedy/Drama
Totally uncommercial and filmed like a parody or put-down of people who make movies, this Fassbinder picture is quite unpalatable for those not into cinema. We don't claim to possess great knowledge in cinema mind you, but for us this is quite an interesting, behind the scenes look at a set of pretentious filmmakers self-imploding, as it were. Everyone here seems to be suffering for art, wearing their hearts on their sleeves and spouting inanity throughout. They're also always posing and posturing, as if they're acting for two sets of cameras. One for the story, and one which is filming the story within the story. We can't even begin to describe why we would like something like this. Suffice to say, this is something that begs to be felt, not analyzed over. It speaks to the dark humor in us, the fun of discovering what asses these pompous actors are. Fassbinder literally puts all of them in the worst light possible. Ha!
All about Beware of a Holy Whore