Director - Debra Granik
Genre - Drama/Mystery/Thriller
Praised to the clouds and given considerable recognition by critics, we expected much from this indie. Unfortunately, it is not as incredible as it is made out to be. Jennifer Lawrence is certainly the best thing about this movie and will hopefully come out unscathed from playing 'Mystique' in 'X-Men: First Class'. Strong-willed, stubborn, full of spunk, her role here as a young girl who has to take care of her even younger siblings when her dad ran afoul of something terrible and lost their house as a result is what pulls you in to watch this movie. Alas, the thriller we were promised went missing in action and we were left waiting for the pay-off at the end. Obviously, the critics see more to this than us. We'd like to be enlightened as to what this could be as well.
2.5 STARS!
All about Winter's Bone
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Thank you for the comment, Ben.