Director - Johnnie To
Genre - Crime/Drama
Johnnie To changes gears here, giving us a different sort of picture than what he had been dishing out. The cast are still considerably familiar but his style is not so overpoweringly overwhelming like in his past repertoire, allowing the story to flow with better ease. Featuring a backstory of Hong Kong going through an economic strife, the script is about the average Joes and plain Janes in the competitive city who struggle with financial difficulties in their lives. With the cost of owning a roof over most Hongkies' heads way beyond their means, will they still hold on to their ethical values? Or will they trample over each other to get what they want? The questions which Johnnie To asks in this film are way more interesting than what he had offered before. Fighting to survive here doesn't involve bullets and crossfires as much. Instead, it is the rising cost of staying in a cutthroat city which trip up the characters more than anything else. A welcome change of style from Johnnie To. For his own survival in the world of cinema, we feel he is on the right path.
3.5 STARS!
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