Director - Milos Forman
Genre - Comedy/Romance/Drama
Delightfully sweet and funny movie directed by Milos Forman. The tale is about a naive factory girl named Andula and her dalliances with the opposite sex.The actress who played Andula has one of the sweetest, purest faces we've ever seen on the screen. And if you like her and how she reminds you of a first encounter with love, the film takes on an entirely different feel. You will experience nostalgia, a longing for that girl who got away and a sudden surge of everything sugary and hopeful. That was what we got out of the picture. Without even trying, it managed to bring forth so many reactions in the mind. Made with probably very little money but the end result? Priceless. Not only is this an inspiration to indie filmmakers everywhere, it is a wake up call to makers of bad cinema from 1965.
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