Director - Christopher Nolan
Genre - Action/Crime/Drama
The success of a Superhero franchise goes hand in hand with how badass his arch-enemy is. Heath Ledger's portrayal of Joker was unpredictable and dangerously off the charts. Here, Batsy's numero uno nemesis is replaced regrettably with a far less worthy one, with the most mundane name in the history of bad guys to boot - Bane. Why not name the guy Smith or Thompson? Anyhow, we are faced here with the question whether we want to or not of how it would have been had Ledger lived. It is in the back of our minds throughout the movie. For Christ's sake, if Bruce Wayne goes into hiding from the entire world we would expect the person who eventually lures him out to be much meaner than Bane who is nothing but a huge hunk of lumber with the strength of 10 Hulk Hogans. Well then, why not just get 10 Hulk Hogans? At least the Joker had a brain and it wasn't all about pitting triceps against biceps. We applaud Nolan for doing a different take on the Superhero genre with its operatic tone and admittedly moving ending but alas, Ledger was missed sorely. And it was too long.
All about The Dark Knight Rises
But still, Batman is Batman and Nolan knows how to do Batman so I definitely enjoyed this film.
I wrote my own review of the film here: http://terrellreviews.blogspot.com/2012/07/the-dark-knight-rises-2012.html
I'd love to know what you think!