Director - Werner Herzog
Genre - Documentary/Biography
Days after we saw this, we were still intensely affected by its imagery. In fact, up to this minute and perhaps forever more, we will have to live with this horrifying, real story narrated and made by eccentric German director Werner Herzog. If you choose to watch this, bear (no pun intended) in mind that it contains animal lover Timothy Treadwell's journal-like, visual documentation of his days living with a colony of bears, sans protective weapons of any kind. We leave it to you in guessing the outcome.
All about Grizzly Man
What's amazing is that Herzog's documentary output has managed to surpass even his fantastic run of fiction features from the 70s and early 80s. He's made so many amazing documentaries.
Ed - We're delighted to hear from a fellow Herzog fan. To us, he is a fearless director searching for the ultimate truth in life and existence through his films.